Supporting Non-Profits During COVID-19

How can you continue to support local non-profits and charities affected by COVID-19?

You’re washing our hands. You’re avoiding large gatherings. But, in addition to taking all the steps to follow crucial safety guidelines, how can you continue to support local non-profits and charities affected by COVID-19?

The Rotary Clubs of Saskatoon, along with the emergency services of our community, were to host the 23rd Annual Rotary Badge Shield Star Dinner on Wednesday, April 8th, 2020. Funds raised from this event would have gone directly to supporting the work and initiatives of The Restorative Action Program (RAP).

This event should have been the largest fundraiser, and as a result of COVID-19, RAP needs our local support more than ever. We are hopeful that individuals who had intended to attend or had committed to sponsorships will consider donating the cost of their contributions directly to RAP (charitable receipts will be provided for your donations).

Let’s stay together by staying apart.

For more information and to make a donation please contact Winston Blake, Executive Director of RAP:
P: 639-998-7275

About RAP:

In partnership with schools and community partners, the Restorative Action Program deals with bullying, physical violence, crime, mental health,  substance abuse, and suicide and self-harm – with programming delivered to over 8000 youth in Saskatoon schools. We work with youth to develop and practice conflict management, relationship management, and leadership skills – focusing on prevention, intervention and reconnection.