Leaders In RYLA Awards

Every year, an estimated 50,000 young people develop their leadership skills and commitment to service through participation in Rotary’s Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)! The Leaders in RYLA award recognizes RYLAs around...

Youth Leadership

Every year, an estimated 50,000 young people develop their leadership skills and commitment to service through participation in Rotary’s Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)! The Leaders in RYLA award recognizes RYLAs around the world, for their impact, reach, engagement, and ability to adapt. 

Share your RYLA with Rotary International for the opportunity to recognized with the inaugural Leaders in RYLA award!

Requirements for eligible RYLAs include:

  • RYLA must have occured between 1 October 2018 – 1 October 2020.
  • RYLA lead organizers must either be active Rotarians or Rotaractors.
  • RYLA can be organized by a single Rotary or Rotaract club, a district, or multiple districts.

Criteria: Award nominations will be evaluated in relation to the following priorities of Rotary’s new action plan based on responses to five short answer questions. 

  • Increasing impact: How does your RYLA seek out new ways to translate Rotary’s expertise into making a difference for young people? 
  • Expanding reach: How does your RYLA build connections and opportunities that reach young people in your community? 
  • Enhancing participant engagement: How does your RYLA meet the needs, expectations, and growth of participants to enhance their experience? 
  • Increasing ability to adapt: How does your RYLA change to meet the needs of young people in your community? 

The online nomination form must be submitted by 1 October 2020.

Awards will be given to one international awardee and three club/district/multidistrict runners-up. All of the finalists will receive additional promotional materials and support from Rotary International, including published stories on official Rotary International channels.

Nominate your RYLA today! Click here.